Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Garden Girl is now Mrs. Broccoli Boy

So, we got hitched over the weekend.  Yes, I know, "pics or it didn't happen" - I'll work on that, OK?

We're running about a month behind in the garden.  Crocuses and winter aconite are just starting their bloom.  Daffodils and hyacinths are poking up greens.   Will get the camera out this weekend and see what I can catch in bloom.

That Japanese maple I was worried for may yet make it.  I have to make sure to put some sort of sealer in the crack and put some screws in so that the split doesn't get worse, but it doesn't look as bad as it did when the snow was still weighing the branches down.

I held off pruning the roses until after the wedding so that they wouldn't turn me into a mess of bloody scratches - those things can get through even thick leather gloves!

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